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Dr. Antony Anderson C.Eng FIEE

The Internet

 Websites designed by Antony Anderson 
An Engineering Approach to Website Design
--Or how to avoid being dot.conned  --

Four Web Sites



Antony Anderson

1 : Colditz Gateway to Saxony : for the individual tourist

2 : Johannes Matthaeus Koelz : presentation of  an artist whose reputation the Nazis tried to destroy

3 : The Denney Case :  an art fraud investigation

4 : Diana Ross : presenting a children's author to new readers


1 : Colditz Gateway to Saxony

Purpose : To assist the town of Colditz to attract visitors and so make a small improvement to the local economy
Description : Colditz in Saxony (pop. 6,000) is strategically situated in the triangle between the major cities of Leipzig Dresden and Chemnitz. Its main asset is its castle. The site has a virtual tour of Colditz Castle, famous as a POW camp for Allied officers in WWII and an art exhibition "Everyday Life in Oflag IVC". Links to other sites in Saxony.  Co authors Jens Mahlmann & Hermann Foerster
Particular features : Use of paintings by the late Brigadier William Anderson (1905-99) Royal Engineers, civil engineer,  to whom art and engineering were two sides of the same coin and whose skillful fingers were put to good use during 4 years residence in Colditz : use of virtual tour devised by Jens Mahlman with text carefully matched to photographs.
History of site : March 18 1996 site opened on CIMTTZ server Chemnitz. See notes and article in the IEE Engineering Management Journal Aug 2001 A Website for Colditz.

2 : Johannes Matthaeus Koelz

Purpose : To give an outline of the life of the German Artist Johannes Matthaeus Koelz (1895-1971)
Description : Soldier, Artist, Anti-Nazi. His most famous work the triptych "Thou Shalt not Kill"was cut into pieces and dispersed to friends just prior to Koelz escaping into Austria to escape the Nazis in 1937. His daughter AVA Farrington has spent many years researching her father's life which has culminated in an exhibition A Life Divided at the New Walk Museum Leicester  8th March - 19th August 2000.
Particular features : Curriculum Vitae of the artist presented in such a way as to encourage the identification of missing pictures by the artist so that the body of his work and his reputation, that the Nazis tried to destroy, may be restored.
Issues : Recovery of lost works of art. Re-establishment of the reputation of an artist.


3 : Lessons from the Denney Collection 

Purpose : To communicate the essential legal and factual aspects of the Denney case so that important lessons can be learnt from it.
Description  : Art Fraud : How the $5M Denney Collection came to be moved from Dallas to Toulouse following the death of owner Anthony Denney. The case has lessons for all who lend works of art to museums.
Particular features : The need for factual accuracy and cross referencing concerning the events recorded because of their legal significance. Dual language English and French and a summary in Spanish. Site is hosted by the Museum Security Network.
Issues : Minimising risks of lending to museums; museum security; distributed database of art loans.

4 : Diana Ross : Children's author and illustrator

Purpose : To bring the stories of  Diana Ross, to the attention of a new generation of readers, their parents and grandparents
Description : Diana Ross (b1910) was a pioneer contributor to children's radio and television in the UK. She is best known for the Little Red Engine Gets a Name (1942) illustrated by Lewitt & Him and The Story of the Little Red Engine (1945) illustrated by Leslie Wood.
Particular features : List of the titles of books written by the author is used as the architectural backbone for the site, with each book having its own separate page. Links to other Children's Literature sites. Because Diana Ross illustrated many of her own books, her illustrations are used where possible to give a personal feel to the pages.

Visit and bookmark these sites :   Virtual Library - Engineering  Feb 2000 updated April 2001
© Antony Anderson