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  Working with the European Commission

Antony Anderson is on the register of experts for Directorate General III of the European  Commission in the areas  of Integration in Manufacturing and Technology for Business  Processes. He has worked with the European Commission as an Expert-Evaluator and Rapporteur  and as a Project Reviewer. 
  • He has acted as a proposal  evaluator and project reviewer in the Esprit and Copernicus Programmes and as an evaluator in the Brite Euram Programme. 
  • Since 1997 He has considerable experience of pre-screening project proposals for EC  R & D projects on behalf of the DTI in his capacity as an Associate of Cambashi Ltd. 
  • When working for MARI Computer Systems Ltd he was closely involved in the DG XIII  SPRINT 277 technology transfer project (1993-1996), assisting SMEs in Saxony with the introduction of  CIM Technology. 
  • For a year he was a Euromanagement Consultant for the NE of England and Scotland assisting SMEs develop collaborative R & D projects to assist their business strategies.  
  • List of EC contracts

Contracts for the Commission undertaken by Antony Anderson

Contracts for DG III include :

  • Co-ordinating reviewer ESPRIT III Project EP6165 IMPROVE.(Integrated Multilevel Power Network Voltage Control) 
  • Reviewer ESPRIT East/West Special Action Project EP9500 IMPROVE 
  • Evaluator IiM Integration in Manufacturing July 1997
  • Evaluator Technologies for Business Processes Programme January 1997
  • ESPRIT-CIM  Conference Organising Committee Member. (1994)
  • Evaluator 1994 for the Copernicus Programme (East-West Assistance)

Contracts for DG XIII include: 

  • Assisting the IPSS Division of ESPRIT (Information Processing Systems and Software) with presentation of results at the 1992 ESPRIT Exhibition 
  • Assisting with the preparation of the CIME section of the 1992 ESPRIT Report 
  • Rapporteur at the 1992 ESPRIT Conference Workshop on Regional Disparities in European Manufacturing; rapporteur at the 1991 ESPRIT Conference Workshop on Manufacturing Productivity and Regional Development 
  • Rapporteur for the evaluation of ESPRIT III bids in CIME area 1993 and 1991 

Contracts for DGXII include : 

  • BRITE/EURAM II Programme: April 1992 Proposal Evaluator in the area of Engineering and Management Strategies for the Whole Product Life Cycle. 
  • Consultant on MARI Report for DGXII "Human Resource Development Measures and Actions to support Science and Technology Development in the Objective 2 (3 & 4) Regions" February 1991. 

Contracts for DGXII/DGIII include : 

  • Evaluator for preparatory and pilot actions in Co-operation in Science and Technology with Central and Eastern European Countries. Sept-October 1992, Brussels. 

DG XIII SPRINT 277 Technology Transfer Project NE England - Saxony


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© Antony Anderson 2000, updated July 27 2011